Online Counseling Degree

Counseling Degree Overview

Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Counseling and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.

Outlook for Counseling Careers

What€™s Your Specialty?

Do you have a passion for marriage? Perhaps you really want to help people boost their careers. Or, maybe your desire is to counsel clients through loss. Depending on your area of expertise, the job outlook may differ. Some fields of counseling are expected to see greater growth than others.

Salaries in Counseling


Even with self-provided debt, credit, and career counseling, this job will not likely result in a treasure chest of gold. If you want to go for a swim in cash, see the IT or Engineering sections. Here, what you will find are modest salaries that can pay the bills but not much else. That€™s ok, though, because you€™re in it for the chance to make a difference, not a buck.

Not that you can€™t make more than minimum wage. Salaries vary by industry and experience. As you can see, some school counselors may make more than a few of the teachers in their building.

Education Requirements for Careers in Counseling

Colleges For Counseling Degrees

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